What kind of people at risk of glaucoma

Primary open-angle glaucoma incidence, more than 30 years of age for 0.57%, the increase in the incidence increased with age, but it can be 20 to 30 years old, or even 10-year-old incidence. Primary open-angle glaucoma is a hereditary and familial diseases, the precise genetic model is not clear, the most likely is a multi-gene genetic factors. Close relatives of the family in a higher rate of incidence of about 5% ~ 19%, while the incidence of family history as much as 50%. Among those susceptible to any of the following open-angle glaucoma:

① high intraocular pressure. This is the first risk factor, although there is no early glaucoma damage, with the duration of high intraocular pressure, intraocular pressure rising base value, the occurrence of damage in glaucoma may be gradually increased.

②陷凹optic nerve head. This is the second risk factor, large and deep pressure陷凹tolerance of difference. Bilateral asymmetric陷凹is generally caused by the day after tomorrow, and with high intraocular pressure, and sexual陷凹expansion is the most important risk factor for visual field defect can occur in the former. Such persons are required to perform periodic inspections of the optic disc陷凹and vision, in the event of negative treatment of optic nerve injury.

③ high myopia. Patients with high myopia in open-angle glaucoma increased morbidity, the same open-angle glaucoma in the incidence of high myopia. Myopia susceptibility to intraocular pressure, due to shallow陷凹generated, it is not easy to identify because of the low hardness of the sclera, the sag value tonometer often low intraocular pressure measurement.

④ diabetes. Diabetic patients the incidence of glaucoma was 12.6%, significantly higher than normal population.

⑤ systemic disease. Especially in patients with low blood pressure are prone to insufficiency of the optic disc, increasing the risk of optic nerve damage.