Type A basic knowledge of influenza H1N1 (a)

1. How H1N1 Type A influenza infection? Of human infection with H1N1 influenza type symptoms and after the performance?

May be through contact with H1N1 Type A influenza virus infection in the environment, or with the H1N1 Type A influenza virus infection of human infections occur.

Of human infection with H1N1 influenza after influenza and human influenza is similar to the symptoms, including fever, cough, body pain, headache, chills and fatigue, and some also suffered from diarrhea and vomiting, weight would be secondary to pneumonia and respiratory failure, and even死亡.

2. Whether there is any treatment of influenza A H1N1 influenza vaccine?

Although there is no vaccine to prevent human infection with H1N1 Type A influenza, but of human infection with H1N1 influenza Influenza is preventable, controllable, can rule.

3. Whether the consumption of pork infected with influenza A H1N1 influenza?

There is no evidence that the H1N1 Type A influenza through the food-borne, so to eat properly cooked pork and pork products are safe. The internal temperature of cooked pork 71 ℃, can kill bacteria and viruses.

4. The public what can be done?

(1) to avoid contact with flu symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.) or pneumonia and other respiratory tract of patients. (2) the importance of personal hygiene, frequent use of hand-washing liquid (soap) and water to wash their hands, especially after coughing or sneezing. (3) to avoid contact with pigs or pig to have a place. (4) to avoid going to crowded places. (5) when coughing or sneezing, cover mouth and nose with tissue paper, tissue paper and then thrown into the trash. (6) If the sick, please stay at home and to reduce contact with others, to avoid infection of others. (7) try to avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth, because germs can be spread through these channels.