AIDS is no longer an incurable disease

Conditions in modern medicine, AIDS is no longer an incurable disease, but chronic infectious diseases, we must scientific prevention, proper attention.

December 1 each year arrives, there will always be some data and the introduction of AIDS-related. Some good news, such as UNAIDS, the United Nations this year on November 20 in the world, announced the number of people living with HIV less than expected.

A year ago, the experts this year's HIV carriers are expected to reach 40 million; the data now is 33200000.

China is not optimistic. HIV carriers in Hong Kong this year, an increase of 400 cases, which is since 1985 the first cases of AIDS in Hong Kong found that patients with the largest increase since the year previous, the Hong Kong AIDS infection rates have been low. Hong Kong Center for Health Protection Department of Health released figures accounted gay 1 / 3. Recent media reports, Shanghai this year's new cases of HIV infection, 70% of 20-40 year-old highly educated men. Although the health sector in Shanghai on November 21 denied the news, but more highly educated young people who dare to take risks and more frequent sexual activity is an indisputable fact.

In the global decline in the number of people living with HIV, the AIDS-infected people in China in the sharp increase in the number of people, this is not how much is a result of the accident. First of all, the nature of taboo in China. Can not be made public of the right to quiet their own people tend to use the approach of hidden. Against this background, many married women have become the largest family of the victims: her husband may be猎艳out the use of condoms, but his wife does not. The physical structure of women once they are destined to high-risk sexual behavior (any form of non-marital, non-regular sex partner), the probability of infection is much greater than men. Vulnerable to the occurrence of skin abrasions gay sex is the most dangerous because of their sexual organs are very large contact area.

Secondly, the Chinese people than foreigners have been more vulnerable to HIV infection. Receptor in the human body, HIV favorite collaborative called CCR5 receptor, the receptor gene mutation event, the HIV can not enter the human body, the virus replication. 10% of American whites and 12% of the Russian people may have this gene mutation, gene mutation and blacks only 1.6%. Surveyed in 1300 the Chinese people, only 3 individuals have the gene mutation. These data show that the event of a Chinese high-risk sexual behavior, the probability of HIV infection than blacks are even big.

Third, China's regulation of certain industries or flawed in many ways. Choy Henan villagers because the villagers collective blood infected with AIDS. From 2001 to the present, every year there are people infected with AIDS because of blood transfusion.

These statements, on how AIDS is not to say terrible, but no luck, is the best way to prevent AIDS. If there is a need to high-risk sexual behavior occurs, we should adopt necessary safety measures. Need to know, if not the exchange of blood and body fluids, AIDS and does not have the penetrating power. And general access to people living with HIV and not AIDS. Conditions in modern medicine, AIDS and diabetes has become, there is no difference between hepatitis B chronic diseases.